Limited series of #232 unique pieces
Animation in 3 dimensions 800×800
Work connected by radio frequency

Emochain Prayer

You will acquire a unique work of art, imbued with great poetry, entirely created by hand by the artist Arseneca. Each work requires a considerable investment of time, requiring between a week and three weeks of painstaking work.

Crypto answer


By investing in an Emochain Crypto Exaucement, you become the owner of an unpublished work that immortalizes the date and the precise moment when a wish or a prayer was formulated and incorporated into a machine to grant wishes.</ div>

Crypto Fulfillment Emochains are generated by an algorithm specially designed to promote wish fulfillment. By acquiring such an Emochain, you appropriate an authentic manifestation of desire fulfillment. In doing so, you hold in your hands a tangible realization of fulfillment, sealed forever.